Gain practical knowledge and strategies for using AI tools such as Chat GPT for language practice. Learn the best practices for implementing AI in the classroom to enhance student engagement and learning outcomes.
Gain the knowledge and skills to embrace your role in an AI-driven world and utilize AI tools to enhance student learning. Learn practical strategies for identifying struggling students, creating intelligent tutoring systems, and automating tasks like grading.
Enhance English language proficiency, both written and spoken, for effective communication in administrative tasks, professional interactions, and cultural immersion.
Gain insights into creating engaging learning content that effectively motivates students by mastering Digital/AI Literacy and creative multimedia skills.
Gain a deep understanding of AI’s role and impact on educational leadership for K-12 institutions. Discover how to use AI assistant tools for strategic planning in educational settings.
Gain insights into best practices for implementing AI to promote inclusion. Acquire the ability to integrate AI tools into lessons and activities, in order to enhance student engagement and learning outcomes.
Learn how to effectively integrate AI tools into your teaching, enhancing students' language skills, creativity, and critical thinking. Gain the ability to personalize teaching and support students at different language levels.
Explore diverse AI applications across different subjects and contexts, from teacher’s assistants to student tutors. Implement practical techniques for utilizing AI tools such as Teachable Machine and Poe in the classroom to enhance learning experiences.
Discover online applications and environments, focusing specifically on web solutions that foster inclusivity and sustainability, in order to boost collaborative work, creativity, and engagement.
Discover how to effectively leverage AI, AR, VR, and 3D printing technologies in education. Acquire practical knowledge and hands-on experience to seamlessly integrate these tools into your teaching.
Acquire an understanding of the support that any external environment can provide in outdoor teaching with the aid of the right ICT tools. Discover an array of practice examples to design novel tasks and activities for the students.
Learn the expected requirements of administrators and managers from organizations in the Erasmus+ program. Strengthen your digital skills and understanding of ICT and expand your knowledge to improve your technological experience and confidence.
Explore strategies and ways to effectively introduce CLIL in the classroom, along with a selection of ICT tools focusing on content, communication, cognition, and culture.
Learn how to efficiently use IT and communication technology in the classroom, in particular the most popular social media and innovative educational platforms. Acquire crucial knowledge on the safe use digital classroom management.
Acquire crucial knowledge to use, select, and effectively incorporate ICT tools in everyday teaching in order to boost creativity, motivation, and engagement.
Discover new ways to incorporate technology into your lessons, learn how to use software, social media platforms, and apps for communication, group management, and fostering collaboration, while discussing ethical and safety issues.
Learn to effectively integrate ICT into your teaching, all while putting the pupils at the center of the learning process. Discover techniques for revision, collaboration, and note-taking, among others.
Develop your skills in collaborative learning, storytelling, and gaining a new perspective on the world around you by creating engaging video content using free ICT tools and software.
Learn the fundamentals of coding and robotics, and develop the skills necessary to use these tools in the classroom in a fun and interesting manner. Learn how to bridge the gap between software and hardware.
Discover all the features of GeoGebra and LaTeX software used for visualizing mathematical concepts, and for writing mathematical expressions. Learn how to maximize the potential of ICT in the classroom.
Explore valuable ICT tools and educational strategies to seamlessly integrate migrants, refugees, and asylum seekers into classrooms. Develop essential skills to foster social inclusion among students from diverse cultural backgrounds.
Delve into the fundamental principles of 3D printing within the rich tapestry of the maker culture. Learn how to foster environmental sustainability in educational settings, promoting an awareness of concepts such as the culture of repair.
Gain proficiency in seamlessly incorporating AI tools into teaching, addressing bias, adapting materials for accessibility, and crafting customized activities.
Explore various assessment methods, traditional and AI-enhanced, and collaboratively design guidelines to meet contemporary education demands.
Develop an appreciation for the advantages that come with the implementation of game-based learning in a classroom, alongside learning to select the content based on teaching goals and on the needs of the students.
Learn how to manage projects using specifically designed apps. Create simple websites using WordPress and develop the ability to interact effectively during online conferences, create infographics, and record and edit screen videos.
Learn to efficiently use digital tools to encourage student participation in both face-to-face and remote teaching. Discover techniques to promote students' autonomy and gain confidence in designing educational activities and materials.
Integrate GeoGebra and Python into STEAM curriculums to foster essential coding and math manipulation skills. Learn to plot functions, solve equations, and produce Python code snippets through practical exercises.
Learn about Microsoft 365, together with all its tools and techniques, and incorporate them into your teaching. Explore programs such as Excel, OneDrive, and Sway, among others.
Discover the basics of education technology. Learn about a variety of digital tools, educational apps (White Board apps) and software to introduce to your classroom. Involve the students in engaging and interactive digital activities.
Unlock the full potential of Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality, and acquire the skills to seamlessly incorporate them into school activities to enhance student engagement.
Discover the basics of 3D printing within the maker culture to promote environmental sustainability in their classroom. Gain consciousness about the notions of a zero-waste life, as well as the culture of repair and the maker movement.
Navigate the challenges of tomorrow's complex educational landscape, utilizing Arduino to equip yourselves with valuable tools and knowledge, and foster essential skills like problem-solving, creativity, critical thinking, and collaboration.

Gain hands-on experience with Spike Prime robotics and coding, including block-based and Python programming. Develop strategies to integrate real-world STEM challenges and creative projects into classrooms, enhancing critical thinking and problem-solving skills.
Learn to integrate coding and robotics into primary school curricula using Makeblock's mTiny and Codey Rocky. Gain practical skills for teaching coding fundamentals and problem-solving through hands-on activities and interactive workshops.

Learn how to integrate Large Language Models like DeepSeek and Claude into your teaching practices. Gain hands-on experience in AI-assisted assessment, prompt engineering, and differentiated instruction.
Learn to properly integrate a variety of apps into the curriculum, as well as non-academic settings. Explore the tools necessary to provide the students with the best learning experience.