Courses Search Results


Conflict Management, Emotional Intelligence and Bullying Prevention

Acquire an understanding of group dynamics by discovering how tensions, alliances, and relational struggle can interfere with learning. Learn to encourage active listening, empathy, and emotional literacy.

Environmental Education: Learning and Acting for a Better Future

Develop an understanding of the main concepts and issues related to ecology through reflection on the role of education in promoting environmental awareness.

We Are All Special: Inclusion and Support for Students with Special Needs In and Out of the Classroom

Explore hands-on activities designed to prevent isolation and disruptive behaviors, with a focus on interaction and support. Discover effective relaxation techniques and movement-based activities suitable for special needs students and the entire class.

Mindfulness for Teachers: a Hands-on Approach

Develop an understanding of the positive impact of mindfulness practices on mood, communication, and stress levels. Discover a variety of practices to use for yourself and/or introduce to students.

Stress Relief and Well-being Strategies for Teachers

Understand what causes stress and how our bodies react to it. Discover effective strategies to relieve it, and apply them to improve your mental health and well-being.

Design the Positive: Positive Thinking, Positive Communication and Positive School Spaces

Acquire key insights into positive communication to nurture a positive mindset and alleviate negative self-talk. Reflect on how the surrounding environment can convert negative communication into positive relationships.

Resilience and Well-being Strengths for Teachers

Gain an understanding of the responsibility to cultivate resilience strengths in order to attain a stable state of well-being. Explore strategies such as emotional management, fostering a positive mindset, and cultivating empathy and compassion.

CLIL for Physical Education Teachers

Learn how to integrate content-based language learning with Physical Education lessons through practical demonstration, encouragement of reflection.

CLIL in Primary School: Make It Work, Make It Effective

Explore the latest methods for sourcing, choosing, and adapting content for your lessons in Primary Schools. Learn how Content and Language Integrated Learning promotes interdisciplinarity, enhancing motivation in the classroom.

Experiential Learning in Tenerife: Through Nature and History

Discover the practice of Experiential Learning through fun, outdoor activities, with the support of the case study of the fascinating cultural heritage of the Canary Islands.

Mental Health Awareness for Teachers and Students

Develop an understanding of mental health awareness in order to identify potential issues, in both colleagues and students. Implement appropriate support strategies and learn how to foster teacher well-being.

Transformational Leadership: How to Empower Followers and Communities

Discover the key principles and characteristics of transformational leadership, practicing emotional intelligence, active listening, and empathy within the framework of Non-Violent Communication.

Art and Nature: A Sustainable Approach for All Teachers

Encourage a mindful and eco-conscious art and nature approach through indoor and outdoor activities using natural ingredients, low-impact supplies, and recycled objects.

Web Solutions for the Classroom

Acquire essential knowledge about the use of ICT for educational purposes, emphasizing tools like Edmodo, Quizzes, and others. Learn new techniques to enhance student engagement, fostering long-lasting retention of knowledge.

Active Art: Understanding and Enjoying Art in the Classroom and Beyond

Develop an understanding of art and creativity in different contexts to effectively deal with their students’ creative process. Find out new ways of combining art theory and practice.

AI for CLIL: Lesson Plans, Resources and Assessment Tools

Learn how to integrate AI in CLIL programs, optimizing teaching and learning. Discover how to use AI for planning, curriculum development, and personalized learning, fostering engagement.

Brain-Based Learning: Understand How Students Really Learn

Explore ways to enhance and expedite teaching while ensuring long-lasting knowledge retention. Challenge conventional teaching methods and incorporate fun and creative practices to promote student engagement.

Environmental Changes for Sustainable Schools

Discover the concept of Permaculture as a set of tools and knowledge focused on ecological and regenerative design thinking. Learn how to develop a permaculture design project.

Environmental Stewardship: How to Reconnect With Nature

Acquire an understanding of ecosystem processes, fostering a sense of responsibility for its preservation. Guide students towards a greener future by encouraging them to view their actions from an environmental perspective.

Spanish Language Course for Beginners

Enhance your Spanish language abilities, focusing on vocabulary, grammar, pronunciation, and conversational skills. Boost your confidence in reading, writing, and speaking the Spanish language while diving into Spanish culture.

Basic ICT for Teachers: Empowering Classrooms in the Digital Age

Learn to create engaging presentations using tools like Microsoft PowerPoint, Canva, Genially, or Google Slides. Discover how to create materials like quizzes or games and how to navigate the fascinating new world of artificial intelligence.

Digital Storytelling: Apps and Software for Creative Writing

Acquire the necessary skills to create audio-visual stories with the support of an array of ICT tools and software, such as Microsoft Photos, which are effective in the involvement of students in the classroom.

Embodied Language Teaching: Add Movement to Your Classroom

Acquire knowledge of the “Embodied Language Learning” teaching method. Explore how to combine theoretical concepts relating to the teaching of foreign languages with practical activities.

Google for Education: Search, Collaborate and Create

Learn how to use Google products as effective tools for teaching and learning. Acquire deeper knowledge about data collection, cooperation, and lesson planning, among others.

Multiple Intelligences for Deeper Learning

Explore the theory of multiple intelligences that allows educators to take into consideration different kinds of learners by reinforcing each type of intelligence, which allows tailoring the learning process to every student.

Spanish Language Course (Intermediate Level)

Enhance your Spanish language abilities, focusing on vocabulary, grammar, pronunciation, and conversational skills. Boost your confidence in reading, writing, and speaking the Spanish language while diving into Spanish culture.

CLIL in Secondary School: Practical Activities for All Teachers

Discover the latest methods for sourcing, choosing, and adapting your content ahead of your lessons in Secondary Schools, and how Content and Language Integrated Learning promotes interdisciplinarity that enhances motivation in the classroom.

Team Building for School: Play and Fun, Building Educators’ Communities

Understand how a positive school environment, teacher collaboration, and motivation impact students' learning. Learn to create team-building activities for cooperation and collaborative problem-solving.

Understanding and Supporting Students With ASD and ADHD

Acquire the skills to effectively teach students with ASD and ADHD, adapting educational techniques to suit their unique learning styles. Provide support in helping them manage impulses and better understand the world around them.

Emotional Intelligence Tools to Understand and Respond to Trauma

Explore strategies for classroom management that involve teaching emotional intelligence, creating a psychologically safe learning environment, and mitigating the adverse effects of trauma.

Enough Theory, Let’s Play! Fun Games for Developing the Whole Child

Discover a range of games to be implemented in the classroom to enhance the students’ capacities of self-expression and promote their personal development.

ICT Tools for a Creative and Collaborative Classroom

Discover online applications and environments, focusing specifically on web solutions that foster inclusivity and sustainability, in order to boost collaborative work, creativity, and engagement.

Managing a Diverse Classroom: Facing Upcoming Challenges

Learn to manage a classroom through experiential learning and develop innovative methods to enhance motivation and collaboration among diverse student groups, including migrants and those with special educational needs.

Traditional Arts and ICT Art Tools for Teaching your Subjects and Promoting Life Skills

Learn to integrate traditional art techniques and ICT art tools into your teaching practices in order to boost creativity and critical thinking, and enhance the development of crucial life skills.