Ági Enyedi

Teacher Trainer in Budapest and Ljubljana

  • Born in Budapest, Hungary
  • Master’s degree in TEFL from Eötvös University Budapest
  • Over 15years of first-hand experience as an English teacher
  • Trainer trainer course at Morey House, Edinburgh
  • Mentor training course at College of St Mark & St John, Plymouth
  • Worked for Eötvös University, Budapest at Centre for English Teacher Training, delivered ELT methodology and classroom skills courses
  • Freelance trainer since 2015, with an experience in designing and running workshops and short courses in methodology update, teaching dyslexic learners, CLIL, young learners, group dynamics, educational management…
  • Has attended and presented at conferences or given workshops in some 20 countries
  • Enjoys meeting teachers working in different cultures and settings to contribute to teachers’ professional development and wellbeing
  • Trainer at Europass since 2022