Current Erasmus+ projects
You can find below a brief introduction to the projects in which our Academies are currently participating.
EUropean TEAchers on the Move (EU-TEAM)

The EU-TEAM project offers three different opportunities for improving teachers’ ability to explain the European Union using engaging teaching methodologies.
Key features:
- Period: 2022-2025
- Topic: EU Citizenship
- Website:
- 6 online courses freely available – Completed
- 144 fully-funded opportunities to attend teacher training courses in Florence – Work in progress
- A database of lesson plans for learning activities that are already prepared for classroom use – Work in progress
University Network for Inclusive and digiTal Education (UNITE)

A European University network to develop services, digital tools, and strategies to foster inclusion, digital transformation, and quality of teaching at the higher education level.
Key features:
- Period: 2024-2026
- Main Topic: inclusion
- website:
- I-TEACH – 5 virtual laboratories and podcasts – work in progress
- AWARE – awareness training for lecturer and students – work in progress
- DONE – AI-based digital tools for inclusive learning – work in progress
- GUIDANCE – a smart sensor room to assure high quality and inclusive education practices – work in progress
Erasmus+ Accreditation project
Europass Italian Language School received an Erasmus+ Accreditation in 2020, since then, its staff has been updating their professional skills thanks to Erasmus KA1 mobility.
The 2021 KA121 project has been labelled “good practice” by Erasmus+.
Accomplished Erasmus+ projects
LOL: Learning Out Loud
2022 – 2024 Learning Out Loud – A partnership that aims to develop inclusive and innovative teaching practices inspired by Theater (Humor, Stand Up Comedy, Improvisation Theater) and Positive Psychology in Education (Positive Education) with a special focus on teaching foreign languages to adult learners.
Gamified Introduction to Gamification
2022 – 2024 Gamified Introduction to Gamification – The project taught Dilemma-based learning (DBL) to Greek school teachers. DBL promotes learning by having students discuss and make decisions within specifically designed case studies. In particular, Europass Teacher Academy trained a group of Greek teachers from the Peloponnese region to implement DBL in their classroom by adopting the DiBL Platform, a tool for digital learning developed by the Danish company Serious Game Interactive.
DigiTise! Digital Toolkit for 50+ Teachers
Period: 2021 – 2023
Main topic: ICT

A partnership of 6 European training institutions addressed the needs of many older (50+) educators to teach online and to deliver appealing and challenging lessons. By creating and disseminating 10 MOOC courses and a Handbook containing 45 digital exercises, the project aimed to improve the digital competencies of 50+ educators and enhance the quality of their courses.
2021 – 2023: DIGI SCHOOL – a partnership of European secondary schools that provided digital content for distance and online learning in various subjects and languages. We created a large variety of materials for practice and motivation of the students towards online learning in order to secure well-balanced, innovative, and open pedagogies.
This project has been labelled “good practice” by Erasmus+.
reCREATE healthy narratives to tackle fake news
Period: 2021 – 2023
Main Topic: Media literacy

The aim of this Erasmus+ project of Europass Academy Berlin is to fight the spread of fake news about migration in Europe.
In particular, the project wants to raise awareness of the spread of fake news about migrants and refugees, carried out by the media, among young people.
Erasmus+ KA227 Partnerships for Creativity
Creativity for innovation
2021 – 2022: Creativity for innovation – a partnership of European schools that came together to implement innovative and creative methods designed for adult learners. By implementing story-telling, creative writing, and the Callan Method, the organizations involved will improve all segments of their working life.
2020 – 2022: Guidelines4Training – Guidelines for international structured training providers – A 2-year partnership aiming at increasing the quality of international-level, job-related short-term professional development training courses.
This project has been labelled “good practice” by Erasmus+.
Art 4 You – A new method of working with excluded people
The aim of this 2020 Erasmus+ project of Europass Academy Berlin is to develop and employ innovative methods to be implemented in the professional and social education of excluded and disadvantaged people.
Particularly the project targets educators and trainers, who work with people affected by mental diseases.
Teachers – Leaders
2018 – 2021: Teachers – Leaders – Teachers as Leaders and Trendsetters of Changing – A 3-year partnership among European schools and training centers, promoting Teachers as Leaders and developing training courses for teachers. (Partners from Poland, Bulgaria, Greece, Italy, Romania, and Turkey).
Best 4 Languages
2018 – 2020Best 4 Languages – A 2-year partnership among European language schools aimed at improving the professional skills of the schools’ managers, improving the school’s international presence, and improving the quality of language teaching. (Partners from Romania, Poland, Germany, Italy, and Slovenia). If you wish to know more, have a look at the corresponding Facebook page.
The findings of the project are presented in a handbook that covers both the aspects of the exchange: inspirational materials and exercises for a foreign language classroom (Part I: Handbook for Teachers – Exercises and learning activities) and managerial aspects (Part II: Institutional Development Strategies for Language Schools).
From the very beginning, the project was an exciting and fruitful learning experience for us having been given the chance by Erasmus+ to share pedagogies and management strategies with colleagues working in different cultural, educational, and organizational contexts.
In the Handbook you will find 12 exercises and learning activities and 8 case studies.
2017 – 2019 ICT4LWUL: technology-based methods for teaching Less Widely Used Languages – A 2-year partnership among European language schools focused on the implementation of ICT solutions and guidelines for language learning and teaching.
If you wish to know more, download the ICT4LWUL Handbook.
2016 – 2018 Griftis: “Divided we fall, together we stand: improving strategies in European schools and teacher training centers, to prevent bullying and discrimination across Europe”: project for the exchange of best practices in school education with partners from Italy, Finland, Greece, and Spain.
2013 – 2015 MOVET – Movies For Vocational Education and Training – A “Transfer of Innovation Project” for testing and implementing a language teaching method based on the realization of short movies with students. The project is partially supported by the EU through Leonardo da Vinci funds.
2011 – 2013 PractiCAL – Practice Culture and Language – International partnership for the exchange of ideas, information, and methods concerning the teaching of the less widely used and less spoken languages of the EU. The project has been funded by the EU through Grundtvig funds.
Cill – Creativity in Language Learning
2010 – 2012 Cill – Creativity in Language Learning – An international partnership aiming to exchange, test, and adapt innovative and creative teaching methods for foreign languages. The project has been funded by the EU through Leonardo da Vinci funds.
Procedimientos da Acogida
2010 – 2012 Procedimientos da Acogida – An international partnership aiming to study, compare, and improve welcoming and monitoring methods for students at risk of social exclusion. The project has been funded by the EU through Grundtvig funds.
New Generation 50+
2009 – 2011 New Generation 50+ – An international partnership trying to investigate the learning needs of the population over 50 and develop new didactical methods. The project has been funded by the EU through Grundtvig funds.
Learning Italian through Movie Making
2010 Learning Italian through Movie Making – An innovative workshop in which participants learn the Italian language writing a script, acting, filming, and editing a short film entirely in Italian. The workshop has been funded by the EU through Grundtvig funds.