Every day, we face great challenges in trying to meet the educational needs of our students to master the same learning material at the same instructional time and in the same teaching approach, a “one size fits all” approach, as foreseen in the curriculum.
This often results in discouragement of the students as well as reduced learning outcomes. This is exactly where we need to think about using personalized learning, an educational approach to customize learning making in this way our instruction more student-centred.
This course will explain what personalized learning is and its importance for today’s students and teachers to redesign the way they use space, time, and resources in the classroom.
Moreover, it will introduce to the participants the theoretical foundations, practices, and offline and online tools, that they will be able to adapt to their classrooms to provide their students with personal learning paths tailored to meet their strengths, skills, needs, and interests in order to take ownership of their own learning.
During the course, participants will learn to acknowledge and build their students’ profiles, motivations, progress, and goals helping them develop self-advocacy skills and keep track of their own progress.
Learners’ profiles are the necessary cornerstones to create lesson plans based on personalized learning by using a variety of online & offline tools to succeed in all of the above.
By the end of the course, participants will be fully aware of what personalized learning is and how to use various strategies to implement it into their teaching.
They will learn how to build a learner’s profile and use it to understand better with their students.
They will be able as well, to create lesson plans based on personalized learning, that allow a more flexible and student-centered learning environment.
Finally, they will be able to use a variety of online and offline tools to personalize their students’ learning and create a more purposeful and approachable path for all their students.
What is included
Learning outcomes
The course will help the participants to:
- Identify what personalized learning is;
- Understand the differences between personalized learning and other learning methods;
- Identify the learning paths of their students;
- Foster their students’ agency;
- Create step-by-step a one-to-one personalized learning program;
- Create lesson plans using personalized learning practices and approaches;
- Use ICT tools to integrate personalized learning into their teaching;
- Learn how to assess their students in a personalized learning approach.
Tentative schedule
Day 1 – Introduction to the course and teaching methods
- Introduction to the course, the school, and the external week activities;
- Icebreaker activities;
- Presentations of the participants’ schools;
- Teaching methods overview;
- The changing role of teachers through the years.
Day 2 – Learner profiles
- Building learner profiles – online & offline;
- The importance of fostering students’ agency;
- Creative Workshop: building our classroom’s learner profiles.
Day 3 – Personalized learning program implementation
- What is personalized learning?;
- Planning a one-to-one personalized learning program;
- Creative Workshop: Working Collaboratively on creating step-by-step a one-to-one personalized program, according to the needs of our schools.
Day 4 – Personalized learning integration
- Personalized learning practices;
- Online & offline tools to integrate personalized learning into our teaching;
- Creative Workshop: working collaboratively on creating a lesson plan integrating a Personalized Learning approach & tools.
Day 5 – Assessment in personalized learning
- Standardized, online & formative assessment;
- Online & offline assessment tools;
- Creative Workshop: creating an assessment in Personalized Learning, using the most suitable tool for you.
Day 6 – Course closure and cultural activities
- Course evaluation: round-up of acquired competencies, feedback, and discussion;
- Awarding of the course Certificate of Attendance;
- Excursion and other external cultural activities.