The Estonian Education System (Study Visits Included)


Concept by Valentyna Afanasyeva

In the context of educational excellence, Estonia has emerged as ranking first in Europe according to the latest PISA results.

This remarkable achievement makes Estonia’s education system and its principles a focal point of interest for teachers and educational managers worldwide.

The ongoing positive transformations and curriculum development in Estonia and significant teacher autonomy set the stage for continuous improvement and innovation in education.

This course is designed to introduce participants to the Estonian education system, offering insights into the strategies and approaches that Estonian educators use to achieve results.

Participants will explore how Estonia’s emphasis on digitalization and teacher autonomy contributes to its educational success.

The course aims to empower educators with practical knowledge and techniques that can be applied in their own educational contexts.

Throughout the course, participants will engage in various activities designed to provide a comprehensive understanding of the Estonian education system.

They will learn about the digital solutions developed by Estonian educators, the organization of teacher autonomy, and the support mechanisms for independent learning.

Practical workshops, presentations, and school visits will allow participants to explore the cultural and organizational peculiarities of this educational system.

These activities will also include hands-on exercises to implement digital solutions and innovative curriculum approaches. By the end of the course, participants will be able to identify and differentiate the main objectives of the Estonian educational system.

They will gain the skills to adopt and adapt Estonia’s effective learning and managerial strategies in their own educational environments.

The course will equip educators with the tools to foster digital innovation and curriculum development, enhancing their capacity to drive educational success and improvement in their respective contexts.

What is included

 Unmatched Support: full day chat assistance

 Fully Fundable: tailored on Erasmus+ budgets

 Flexibility Guaranteed: easy changes with minimal restrictions

 360° experience: from coffee breaks to cultural visits

 Post-Course Training: 100€ voucher on 40+ online courses

Learning outcomes

The course will help the participants to:  

  • Develop insights into the educational success of Estonia;
  • Gain perspectives on how different cultures and other contexts impact schools and educational achievements;
  • Discuss the latest educational trends;
  • Recognize and rediscover the strengths and priorities of their schools and educational systems.

Tentative schedule

Day 1 – Course introduction

  • Introduction to the course, the school, and the external week activities;
  • Icebreaker activities
  • Presentations of the participants’ schools.

Estonian education system: Key Features

  • Introduction to the key features of the Estonian Education system.

Day 2 – New approaches to digital learning

  • E-books development;
  • E-exams testing;
  • E-learning and management platforms;
  • Brainstorm session: insights for your school.

Day 3 – New approaches to school space/school visit

  • School visit in Tallinn: getting to know the learning environment, the structure of a school day, observation of everyday school life, etc.;
  • Reflective discussion.

Day 4 – CLIL and language immersion/school visit

  • School visit in Harju region: getting to know the learning environment, the structure of a school day, observation of everyday school life, etc.;
  • Reflective discussion.

Day 5 – Practical workshop

  • Brainstorm session: digital tools, curricula development, and teachers’ autonomy;
  • Practical exercises;
  • Group presentations.

Day 6 – Course closure and cultural activities

  • Course evaluation: round-up of acquired competencies, feedback, and discussion;
  • Awarding of the course Certificate of Attendance;
  • Excursion and other external cultural activities.

Dates and locations

You can register for any date, even if it's not yet confirmed, especially if you're interested in courses several weeks away. Once we have a few more enrollments, we will confirm the date. If we are unable to confirm it, we will offer you alternative options.


Price: 480€*
OID: E10166501
  • Confirmed
    Confirmed means this session has reached the minimum number of participants and is guaranteed. However, you will still need to wait for our confirmation before booking flights and accommodation.
    3-8 Mar 2025
  • Confirmed
    Confirmed means this session has reached the minimum number of participants and is guaranteed. However, you will still need to wait for our confirmation before booking flights and accommodation.
    7-12 Apr 2025
  • Open to enrollments
    Open to enrollments means the course is pending confirmation. You can register now to help confirm this session, but you will need to wait for our confirmation before booking flights and accommodation.
    1-6 Sep 2025
  • Open to enrollments
    Open to enrollments means the course is pending confirmation. You can register now to help confirm this session, but you will need to wait for our confirmation before booking flights and accommodation.
    6-11 Oct 2025
  • Open to enrollments
    Open to enrollments means the course is pending confirmation. You can register now to help confirm this session, but you will need to wait for our confirmation before booking flights and accommodation.
    3-8 Nov 2025

Tallinn (480€*)9.40/10

  • Confirmed
    Confirmed means this session has reached the minimum number of participants and is guaranteed. However, you will still need to wait for our confirmation before booking flights and accommodation.
    3-8 Mar 2025
  • Confirmed
    Confirmed means this session has reached the minimum number of participants and is guaranteed. However, you will still need to wait for our confirmation before booking flights and accommodation.
    7-12 Apr 2025
  • Open to enrollments
    Open to enrollments means the course is pending confirmation. You can register now to help confirm this session, but you will need to wait for our confirmation before booking flights and accommodation.
    1-6 Sep 2025
  • Open to enrollments
    Open to enrollments means the course is pending confirmation. You can register now to help confirm this session, but you will need to wait for our confirmation before booking flights and accommodation.
    6-11 Oct 2025
  • Open to enrollments
    Open to enrollments means the course is pending confirmation. You can register now to help confirm this session, but you will need to wait for our confirmation before booking flights and accommodation.
    3-8 Nov 2025

Cultural Activities

  • Ticket to 5 museums

*A 60 € late registration fee will be applied if you register less than 8 weeks before the course start date.
All prices are VAT included or not due.

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