Nataša Kekez Vrgoč

Teacher Trainer in Split

  • Born in Split, Croatia;
  • MA in Psychology , from the University of Split 2001;
  • School psychologist and psychology teacher in high schools for 18 years;
  • School psychologist and ERASMUS+ coordinator in primary school for 4 years;
  • UNICEF primary schools’ trainer and mentor specialized for bullying and cyberbullying prevention for 10 years;
  • Consultant for evaluation in the field of education, social issues, and civil engagement (external project evaluations based on OECD DAC criteria and assessment of grant applications in the European Social Fund) for 12 years;
  • Volunteer in several NGOs for 30 years, project manager, president of teachers’ NGO, and member of the board of directors in 3 NGOs, all in fields of protecting human rights, youth voluntary work, prevention programs, and programs for children with behavioral problems.
  • Author of the face-to-face course:
  • At Europass since 2023.