Elisenda Pallàs

Teacher Trainer in Barcelona

  • Born in Barcelona, Spain
  • Mindfulness accredited trainer in different protocols for children, adolescents, and adults: MBCT (Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy), Still Quiet Place, Method Eline Snel
  • Trainer, Supervisor and Mentor of future mindfulness trainers for children and adolescents
  • 10 years of experience in training mindfulness and emotional intelligence resources applied to education to teachers, educators, community workers, leisure animators, families, and children
  • Author of “El juego del ahora”, a book and a card game to start with mindfulness, yoga and emotional intelligence in the educational context through play and enquiry published by Editorial Kairós
  • Author of the mindfulness and yoga transversal curricula for children 3- to 6-year-old in the context of PBL at Tekman Education
  • Writer of wellness and mindfulness articles for specialized blogs and e-magazines
  • Master’s degree in project management (Universitat Ramón Llull – La Salle)
  • Bachelor of Arts degree in English Language and Literature (Universitat de Barcelona).