Teacher Trainer in Ghent
- Born in Flanders (Belgium);
- Master in instructional and educational sciences (University of Antwerp);
- Lecturer at the Artevelde University College Ghent (Educational Sciences, Technology and Pedagogy);
- Researcher NRT (Nature Research Technology), Tinkeringlab, VISS (stimulate cross-disciplinary interdisciplinary cooperation at school) etc…;
- Designer blended learning and video architect, speaker at OEB (Online Educa Berlin);
- Author of pupils workbooks related to technology, published by De Boeck, Antwerpen;
- Author of educational publications;
- Hoezo techniek. Technical literacy as a link between education, company and society, Acco, Leuven. – Huyghe, B. (2018-2019);
- Make.Think.Tinkering. Learn and create by doing. School and classroom practice n°233, 37-44.
- At Europass since 2023.