Teacher Trainer in Helsinki
- Born in Vaasa, lives in Espoo Finland;
- PhD, Doctor of Philosophy (School, Education, Society and Culture Doctoral Program, University of Helsinki), Teacher, Solution-focused trainer and coach, Solution focused neuropsychiatric coach, Cognitive behavioral therapy- student;
- Worked as a teacher for 20 years in Finnish primary schools and after that several years as a trainer and coach for professionals in education and social work;
- Areas of expertise: solution-oriented and coaching work methods, positive psychology, helping children and young people in need of special support, supporting students with psychological difficulties, strengthening professional self-awareness: challenging interaction situations in the work community, professionals’ flexible mind and well-being skills;
- Doctoral research “The views of Finnish parents and teachers on digital communication in the homeschool partnership”;
- One of the authors in “The Power of Positive Psychology” (in Finnish);
- Author of the face-to-face course:
- Teacher Trainer at Europass since 2024.