Teacher Trainer in Prague
- Originally from Russia, she has been living in Prague, Czech Republic for the last 11 years;
- Two Bachelor’s Degrees: Environmental Studies and Economics;
- Worked in pre-school as a teacher for 2 years;
- Served as a counselor in a vocational school for 6 years;
- Project manager in the NGO sector since 2017, designing and coordinating experiential educational projects;
- Collaborates with international partners on various projects such as e-learning courses, educational seminars, and designing experiential and educational games;
- Trainer in non-formal and experiential learning since 2020;
- Game designer and LARP (Live-Action Role-Playing game) creator;
- Certified Lego Serious Play trainer;
- Interested in sustainability and climate change awareness, games-based learning, experiential personal development through outdoor learning;
- Teacher Trainer at Europass since 2022.