Education Transformation Framework: a Practical Guide for School Leaders


Concept by Nikolaus Conrad

School leadership teams are often faced with the challenging task of facilitating and implementing digital transformation projects in their schools but may not have the required experience in properly designing and evaluating such projects.

This course will introduce school leadership teams to the Education Transformation Framework, providing them with practical strategies and insights into creating intelligent, inclusive, and innovative educational environments.

Throughout the course, participants will engage in a range of activities aimed at fostering understanding and application of the framework’s four pillars: Leadership & Policy, Teaching & Learning, Intelligent Environments, and Student & School Success.

These activities will include collaborative workshops to envision and strategize technology integration, hands-on sessions with technology tools supporting student-centered and hybrid learning, and the development of strategic plans incorporating continuous improvement and community engagement.

Furthermore, participants will explore case studies highlighting successful educational technology transformations globally.

By the end of the course, participants will have developed a clear action plan for implementing technology solutions that increase student, educator, and school success, grounded in global best practices and research.

Participants will be equipped to lead and support technology-driven transformations in their schools or districts.

They will understand how to make informed decisions about technology integration that fosters an inclusive culture of innovation and learning.

Furthermore, participants will be able to leverage technology to enhance student engagement, support educators’ professional development, and optimize school operations for sustainability and efficiency.

What is included

 Unmatched Support: full day chat assistance

 Fully Fundable: tailored on Erasmus+ budgets

 Flexibility Guaranteed: easy changes with minimal restrictions

 360° experience: from coffee breaks to cultural visits

 Post-Course Training: 100€ voucher on 40+ online courses

Learning outcomes

The course will help the participants understand the importance of key digital transformation goals, including how to:

  • Articulate a shared vision for educational technology integration;
  • Strategize for effective change management;
  • Enhance student-centered learning;
  • Revise curriculum and assessment;
  • Develop intelligent learning environments;
  • Ensure equity, inclusion, and accessibility;
  • Facilitate professional development;
  • Cultivate future-ready skills;
  • Implement continuous improvement practices;
  • Engage with the community and forge partnerships;
  • Navigate ethical considerations in technology use.

Tentative schedule

Day 1 – Course introduction and setting goals

  • Introduction to the course, facilitators, and participants;
  • Icebreaker activities to build a sense of community among participants;
  • Overview of the course structure and objectives.

Day 2 – Leadership and policy for educational innovation

  • Vision for change: building a shared, inclusive vision for integrating technology in education, representing the aspirations of students, teachers, leaders, and the community;
  • Strategic planning & change management: developing strategic implementation plans for educational technology integration;
  • Identifying strategies and processes to support stakeholder groups through the transition.

Day 3 – Enhancing teaching and learning with technology

  • Student-centered learning: creating pedagogies inclusive of project and competency-based, collaborative learning practices that require students to own their learning;
  • Curriculum & assessment: exploring new forms of curriculum and assessment tools that are essential for technology-enhanced learning environments.

Day 4 – Creating intelligent environments and ensuring student success

  • Intelligent environments: developing safe and secure onsite and online environments;
  • Leveraging data analytics to optimize student outcomes and create efficient processes;
  • Student & school success: building capacity through professional learning and development to ensure students develop necessary skills and are prepared for the future.

Day 5 – Strategic implementation and community engagement

  • Continuous improvement & culture: monitoring progress and fostering a culture of organic growth, improvement, and innovation;
  • Community engagement & partnerships: enhancing educational transformation through community engagement and establishing partnerships with complementary competencies.

Day 6 – Course closure and cultural activities

  • Course evaluation: round-up of acquired competencies, feedback, and discussion;
  • Awarding of the course certificate of attendance;
  • Excursion and other external cultural activities.

Dates and locations

= confirmed date

You can register for any date, even if it's not yet confirmed, especially if you're interested in courses several weeks away. Once we have a few more enrollments, we will confirm the date. If we are unable to confirm it, we will offer you alternative options.


Price: 580€*


Price: 480€*


Price: 480€*


Price: 480€*

*A 60 € late registration fee will be applied if you register less than 8 weeks before the course start date.

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