Erasmus+ KA1 Course Catalogue


From STEM to STEAM Education: a New Learning Approach

Learn about STEAM education, a blend of STEM and Arts, for the students to explore the relationship between school subjects and real life.

Brain-Based Learning: Understand How Students Really Learn

Explore ways to enhance and expedite teaching while ensuring long-lasting knowledge retention. Challenge conventional teaching methods and incorporate fun and creative practices to promote student engagement.

Cultural Heritage Education: Ancient Greece as a Case Study

Find out how to promote and transmit a sense of European identity and social inclusion by discovering the importance and value of cultural heritage. Learn how different identities can enrich each other.

Learning Outside the Classroom in Finland

Learn how to plan and implement learning outside the classroom in a meaningful, fun, and safe way. Discover the key principles and benefits of outdoor learning and experience the power of outdoor education.

Introducing Sustainability Through Game-Based Learning and Gamification

Explore the educational benefits of GBL and gamification methodologies. Learn how to design and implement effective lesson plans and how to use them efficiently when discussing sustainability.

5 Steps to Improve Teaching and Learning

Develop an understanding of the notions of formative feedback and active learning in the context of student-centered learning methods. Discover how to develop a plan to introduce changes to your curriculum to avoid ineffective teaching.

Mindset Mastery: Building Lifelong Habits for Learning and Growth

Master the art of habit formation to enhance teaching efficiency and student learning outcomes. Learn strategies for developing and sustaining a growth mindset in themselves and their students.

Student-Centered Education: Making Learning Exciting and Long Lasting

Identify strategies to help students develop key competencies for nowadays’ challenges: autonomy, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills. Create a student-centered environment for many learning modalities and styles.

Student-Centered Classroom: Teachers as Promoters of Active Learning

Discover how to create a student-centered learning environment sustaining autonomy and cooperation. Explore new methods like the Flipped Classroom, Project-Based Learning, Problem-Based Learning, Case-Based Instruction and Discovery Learning.

Video Games in Education: Innovative Gamification and Game-Based Learning Techniques

Gain insight into the educational and pedagogical value of video games and learn how to integrate them into a school curriculum. Explore games and gamification tools to enhance student engagement and future-proof your teaching capacities.

Case-Based Learning (CBL)

Learn to apply Case-Based Learning in your classrooms and school subjects, as well as in interdisciplinary projects to increase students’ curiosity, creativity, and problem-solving, and promote an active learning environment.