Teacher trainer in Athens and online courses creator for Europass since 2021
- English teacher, teacher trainer and a school life counselor.
- Master’s in Children’s Literature from the Department of Preschool Education of The University of Thessaly.
- She is interested in Bibliotherapy and its application in education.
- She has taken part in many conferences and seminars/workshops for teachers in Greece and Cyprus.
- She is the co-author of the book “Filanagnosia (love for reading) and socio-emotional development of children” together with Professor of University of Thessaly Tasoula Tsilimeni.
- She has been certified in EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) with expertise in Preventing Early School Leaving by the Cervantes Institute in Spain.
- She has been a partner to the Laboratory of Discourse and Culture of the University of Thessaly and member of the research team of the School Psychology department of the University of Crete.
- Author of the face-to-face course:
- Author of the online course: