Arts and Wellbeing

Courses on Arts and Wellbeing will inspire you to think more creatively. Implementing alternative forms of communication, you’ll generate a healthier classroom environment.

Course participants will explore the intersections between art, psychology, and therapy, learn to promote self-expression among their students and in themselves with creative activities, drama, and games, or practice a variety of techniques for relaxation and stress management including meditation, mindfulness, and yoga.


Yoga and Meditation for Educators: Be a Great Teacher, Be Your Best Self

Discover how incorporating yoga practices can enhance your ability to maintain a favorable climate and support resilience both in and out of the classroom. Explore useful tips on introducing children and teens to yoga and meditation techniques.

Art as Therapy: Self-Expression and Special Needs in Art Education

Acquire an understanding of the therapeutic power of visual arts and their importance in teaching students with special needs.

Mindfulness for Teachers: a Hands-on Approach

Develop an understanding of the positive impact of mindfulness practices on mood, communication, and stress levels. Discover a variety of practices to use for yourself and/or introduce to students.

Happy Schools: Positive Education for Well-Being and Life-Skills Development

Learn to design programs that integrate academics with character strengthening and well-being by exploring the fundamentals of Positive Psychology, along with the theories and techniques of Positive Education.

Mental Health Awareness for Teachers and Students

Develop an understanding of mental health awareness in order to identify potential issues, in both colleagues and students. Implement appropriate support strategies and learn how to foster teacher well-being.

Art, Music, and Dance Therapy for an Inclusive Classroom

Discover the power of creativity for creating an inclusive classroom and fostering motivation, autonomy, self-esteem, participation, and collaboration.

Design the Positive: Positive Thinking, Positive Communication and Positive School Spaces

Acquire key insights into positive communication to nurture a positive mindset and alleviate negative self-talk. Reflect on how the surrounding environment can convert negative communication into positive relationships.

Introducing Yoga in Primary Schools

Learn how to introduce young students to yoga, meditation, and mindfulness by developing an understanding of their holistic approach to wellness and its health benefits for physical and mental health.

Resilience and Well-being Strengths for Teachers

Gain an understanding of the responsibility to cultivate resilience strengths in order to attain a stable state of well-being. Explore strategies such as emotional management, fostering a positive mindset, and cultivating empathy and compassion.

Stress Relief and Well-being Strategies for Teachers

Understand what causes stress and how our bodies react to it. Discover effective strategies to relieve it, and apply them to improve your mental health and well-being.

Discovering Renaissance Art in Florence

Discover the pearls of the Renaissance in Florence, the home city to some of Western civilization’s greatest works of art and architecture.

Experiential Learning in Tenerife: Through Nature and History

Discover the practice of Experiential Learning through fun, outdoor activities, with the support of the case study of the fascinating cultural heritage of the Canary Islands.

Life Coaching for Teachers: Happy Teachers for Better Students

Acquire an understanding of the importance of setting healthy boundaries to cope with overworking. Learn how to regulate emotions and respond assertively but appropriately.

Project-Based Learning (PBL) in Museums and Cultural Heritage Sites

Discover how to build and implement PBL strategies in the classroom, incorporating activities and information from museums and cultural heritage sites into these projects. Learn how to organize engaging and immersive cultural visits through PBL.

Digital Tools for Cultural Heritage Education

Delve into digital technologies for teaching Cultural Heritage. Explore digital tools, multimedia resources, and interactive platforms to create engaging lessons.

Empowered Teachers: Rediscover Your Motivation and Energy

Create a personal roadmap to empowerment by reflecting on your needs and inspirations. Become aware of the need for general well-being and self-determination which promotes motivation.

Art and Nature: A Sustainable Approach for All Teachers

Encourage a mindful and eco-conscious art and nature approach through indoor and outdoor activities using natural ingredients, low-impact supplies, and recycled objects.

Active Art: Understanding and Enjoying Art in the Classroom and Beyond

Develop an understanding of art and creativity in different contexts to effectively deal with their students’ creative process. Find out new ways of combining art theory and practice.

Managing Digital Distractions: Strategies for Students and Teachers

Master digital distraction while enhancing concentration and well-being. Learn practical hacks to combat digital distractions, boost concentration, and promote mental health in the digital age.

Playful Learning: Strategies for Reducing Stress and Energizing the Classroom

Acquire knowledge and skills to implement a common language of well-being and the principles of Playful Learning in the classroom. Concentrate on a heart-full approach and how to build a strong relationship between school and home.

Playtime and Downtime for Teachers and Students: the Psychology of Time to Feel Good and Do Good!

Gain an understanding of playtime and downtime concepts. Develop cognitive, social, problem-solving, and resilience skills through new activities and regular rest, preparing yourself for new tasks and challenges.

Stress Management and Recognition: Key Strategies for Teachers

Discover effective stress-management strategies, focusing on emotional intelligence and regulation. Learn how to cope with your own stress and know how to implement these tools in your school to reduce the stress levels of the students.

Arts for the Inclusion of Migrants, Refugees, and Disadvantaged Populations

Discover how to transcend language and cultural barriers in order to create a completely inclusive environment, sensible to residual effects of trauma and relocation.

Experiential Learning in Florence: Sustainable Tourism and Travel Psychology in Practice

Learn how to stimulate the students’ motivation by experiencing an environment in an unusual way, focusing on personal experience acquired in Florence.

Music in the Classroom: Active and Receptive Music Therapy for Schools 

Discover music as a form of therapy in the classroom. Learn how music can be a successful method for emotional release, how to help students connect through music, and reduce stress and anxiety thanks to relaxation.

The Well-Being Code: Energy Tools and Mind-Body Activities for Self-Care

Acquire stress management techniques, resilience-building skills, and coping strategies to promote personal well-being and social-emotional learning. Discover methods to create a positive learning environment.

Traditional Arts and ICT Art Tools for Teaching your Subjects and Promoting Life Skills

Learn to integrate traditional art techniques and ICT art tools into your teaching practices in order to boost creativity and critical thinking, and enhance the development of crucial life skills.

Bring Mindfulness to Your Class with Practical Activities and Museum Visits

Discover the most interesting mindfulness programs currently used in schools. Learn how to introduce children and teens to mindfulness practice with playful and imaginative visual-based activities.

Drawing and Painting in Barcelona: Everyone is an Artist!

Acquire a set of drawing and painting techniques to use in your private or in your school life. Gain more confidence in your artistic capacities and discover how to incorporate creativity into your teaching practice in a non-judgmental way.

From Burnout to Balance: Practical Strategies for Stress Relief in the Classroom

Discover tools and strategies to reduce stress in the classroom and learn about its causes and effects on students and teachers. Incorporate the Sustainable Development Goals into the teaching practice.

Wellbeing in Nature: Outdoor Activities for Mental and Physical Health

Engage in well-being and mindfulness activities outdoors, around city parks and gardens, and delve into nature-inspired activities during classes. Design a physical space and program to integrate nature into lessons and the school environment.